Happy Golden Birthday Grace!

I can't believe that 5 years ago today (after 40 hours of labor) I gave birth to my daughter Grace.

She was 6 weeks early due to toxemia, but still weighed in at 6 lbs. 9 ozs. pretty hefty considering.

This picture was taken a day after we got home from Milwaukee (after her heart surgery). If you look close you can still see the iv mark on her hand. She is in a newborn outfit, she did drop some weight and nothing fit her right, but htat was ok, she was still a little peanut.

I think of everything that we have been through in the past 5 years and what the future holds. I am proud to call this little girl my daughter. She has her moments, but for the most part I wouldn't change a thing.

One of my favorite things is how loving she is. She tells me every day that no matter how old she gets she will never stop cuddling with me (as a parent I know that this will end, sooner rather than later, but I keep my hopes high that it will last for quite awhile yet.

She also asked me if now that she was 5, it meant that she couldn't snuggle in bed with us anymore. She has a bad habit (as well as my younger daughter, Ella) of getting up in the middle of the night and crawling in bed with my hubby and I. I know that I should take them back to their own beds, but I am greedy for the time with them so I leave them. They will be on their own soon enough.

So, tonight it's off to the restaurant of her choice. She would normally choose Chinese, but because they won't sing happy birthday to her we think she might want to go to The Olive Garden.

I don't care as long as I get to spend the day with her. Love you Grace!

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Morgan Mandel said...

She is darling! You must be so proud of her.

Morgan Mandel

January 5, 2009 at 7:00 PM
Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

A wonderful post! Lovely little girl, wonderful mom.



April 6, 2009 at 5:15 PM

Virgo Clock