Title: The Love Below
Author: Dr. Shereese V. Battle
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Pages: 216
Genre: Self-Help
Format: Ebook
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Are You Ready For Change?
Read. Reminisce. Receive. Restore.
Yeah, me too! You want to give more of you, show more of yourself, and open up a little more. But, you're afraid! You’re afraid that something so sweet could become so bitter. So you caution yourself… See, the beauty in Robot Love is it doesn't have to end! So, take your time and be mindful of your emotions. But, keep in mind that, it's OK for one Robot to love, and miss another.
Have you ever received a call from someone and felt the need to go into IMMEDIATE Prayer?
You think, "Lord, should I answer this call?" Sometimes, you have to push the call-end button. Quite frankly, I find myself doing it more often. It’s not because I don’t want to be of service, but it’s hard to help someone who becomes rebellious against assistance. So, help if you can. But, know that it’s OK to let him/her go so you can grow.
Remember when you were a kid and had imaginary talks with yourself about growing up?
Yeah me too! I can still hear my mother saying, “You better stay a child as long as you can.” Momma told me there would be days when I wish I were still a kid. And you know what? “She ain’t ever lied!” Despite my age, I still need her help. I never anticipated facing so many challenges as an adult. From me to you…Just be careful with what you wish.
The Love Below is an empowering, self-help guide for overcoming life-changing situations. This book will also provide practical tools to help reflect on the past by offering essential steps to move toward a healthy future. Shereese Battle is a certified and credentialed Life Coach, Spiritual Advisor, and Therapist. Shereese is publisher of Robot Love HeartWrites Publishing (www.robotloveheartwrites.com). She can be contacted atdr.shereesebattle@gmail.com.

Shereese Battle, a certified and credentialed Life Coach, Spiritual Advisor, and Therapist, is a devoted woman of Christ, and the mother of two: Chynah (seventeen) and Ayden (five). Born and raised in Portsmouth, VA, she relocated to California in 2010. After losing her mother in December 2009, Shereese was broken and shattered. However, she sought healing and instead of being defeated by grief, she used wisdom and prayer to help ease the pain. It was during this time that Shereese also had an epiphany, which prompted her to a Holy Spirit-led move across the country. She knew as long as she had Jesus, she had everything! This was the beginning of her new life.
Since 2010, Shereese has been an ongoing student with Liberty University. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Psychology, a Masters of Arts in Life Coaching, and she is currently enrolled in Liberty University Seminary School where she is pursuing her Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling for Marriage and Family. She has also completed and graduated from two years of ministry school. In addition, she holds a degree in Developmental Disabilities.
Shereese currently resides in Southern California with her children. She loves devoting her time to things that will add and bring volume in her life. Her mission is to continue to allow God to use her, bless others unconditionally, and to live every day in appreciation. It is here where she is focused on creating the change that she would like to see, as well as, growing in her purpose so that she can continue figuring out who she is by becoming a better person. She loves baking, being creative, playing tennis, traveling, and writing, as well as, meeting new people. She can be contacted at dr.shereesebattle@gmail.com.
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- This giveaway begins October 6 and ends on October 17.
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